Peatmoor School have had great news about a solution for parking outside the school. There have been a number of concerns raised about inconsiderate parking which makes crossing the road for children (and adults) at the start and end of the school day incredibly unsafe and, in some cases, dangerous.
Please see below a message from our local Councillor who has sourced a solution to this. The school have asked us to let you know that the cones that are placed across the school car park at the end of each day are there to ensure that no parents/adults picking children up park in the school staff car park. There should be no need for this now, especially with ample car parking spaces available. Your support with this is very much appreciated.
Parking Solution
Our local Councillor, Mr Keith Williams, has just confirmed that the manager of the Hongxin Restuarant has kindly offered a section of their car park (the section on the right as you are turning in to the restaurant car park) for parents to use. This is on the understanding that it will only be used in the mornings and afternoons at normal morning dropping off and afternoon picking up times.