Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment
Providers must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of children, staff and others on the premises in the , case of fire or any other emergency, and must have an emergency evacuation procedure.
Policy Statement
We ensure our premises present no risk of fire by ensuring the highest possible standard of fire precautions. The person in charge and our staff are familiar with the current legal requirements. Where necessary we seek the advice of a competent person, such as the Fire Officer or Fire Safety Consultant in Peatmoor School. We ensure our policy is in line with the procedures specific to our building, making reasonable adjustments as required.
Fire safety risk assessment
The basis of fire safety is risk assessment, carried out by a ‘competent person’.
The Health and Safety co-ordinator and all staff have received training in fire safety sufficient to be competent to carry out the risk assessment; this will be written where there are more than five staff and will follow the Government guidance Fire Safety Risk Assessment - Educational Premises (HMG 2006).
Where we rent premises, we will ensure that we have a copy of the fire safety risk assessment that applies to the building and that we contribute to regular reviews.
Fire safety precautions taken
We ensure that fire doors are clearly marked, never obstructed and easily opened from the inside.
We ensure that smoke detectors/alarms and fire fighting appliances conform to BS EN standards, are fitted in appropriate high risk areas of the building and are checked as specified by the manufacturer.
We have all electrical equipment P.A.T tested by Peatmoor School every 1-3 years. Any faulty electrical equipment is taken out of use and either repaired or replaced.
Our emergency evacuation procedures are:
clearly displayed in the premises;
explained to new members of staff, volunteers and parents; and
practised regularly, at least once every six weeks.
Records are kept of fire drills.
Emergency Evacuation Procedure
Cover’s procedures for practice drills including:
How children are familiar with the sound of the fire alarm.
How the children, staff and parents know where the fire exits are.
How children are led from the building to the assembly point.
How children will be accounted for and who by.
How long it takes to get the children out safely.
Who calls the emergency services, and when, in the event of a real fire.
How parents are contacted.
Fire Drills
We hold fire drills every half term and record the following information in our Fire Drill Log Book:
The date and time of the drill.
How long it took to evacuate.
Whether there were any problems that delayed evacuation.
Legal Framework
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
This Policy was adopted by Sparklers Pre-School
Sarah Hodges
Role of Signatory:
Pre-School Supervisor
Issue Date:
September 2023
Next Review Date:
October 2024
This Policy was approved by Sparklers Pre-School Committee
Role of Signatory: