Childcare Terms and Conditions
The document and the terms and conditions within it govern the basis on which Sparklers Preschool agree to provide childcare services to parent(s) carer(s).
Only a parent/carer with parental responsibility for a child can register that child for a childcare place with us. We will ask to see your child’s birth certificate, or other relevant documentation, to confirm that you have parental responsibility for the child as part of our registration process.
Commencement date of agreement:
Expiry date of agreement:
Our details:
Charity registration number: 1027960
Sparklers Pre-School, Peatmoor Community Primary School, Pepperbox Hill, Peatmoor, Swindon, SN5 5DP.
Telephone: 01793 875777
Email: info@sparklerspreschoolswindon.co.uk
Ofsted URN:109086
Insured by: (RBS) Royal Bank of Scotland through Pre-School Learning Alliance
PSLA Membership Number:9309
Your details:
Full Name of Parent/Carer_____________________________________________
Full Name of Child ____________________________________________________
Date of Birth__________________________________________________________
Terms and Conditions
Our obligation to you
We will provide the agreed childcare facilities for your child at the agreed times (subject to any days when we are closed. If we change the opening hours, we will give you as much notice of our decision as possible and, if necessary, will work with you to agree a change to your child’s hours of attendance.
We will adhere to the principles of the General Data Protection Regulations (2018) when collecting and processing information about you and your child. We explain how your data is processed, collected, kept up-to-date in our Privacy Notice which is given to you at the point of registration.
We will try to accommodate any requests you may make for additional sessions and/or extended hours of childcare, we will notify you as soon as possible of any days we will be closed.
We will treat your child with the utmost respect and dignity. We will never use or threaten any type of punishment that could adversely affect a child’s wellbeing.
We will provide you with regular verbal updates as to your child’s progress and we will agree times to discuss with you the progress of your child or any other aspects of our childcare services as and when required.
We will comply with the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and our Ofsted registration in regards to the childcare services we provide for your child.
We will provide you with details of our policies and procedures, which outline how we satisfy the requirements of the EYFS in our everyday practice; and we will notify you as and when any changes are made to our policies and procedures.
We will be available to discuss or explain our policies and procedures, and/or any relevant changes, at a mutually agreed time.
We will maintain appropriate insurance to cover our childcare activities
We will try to make a place available to any of your other children. However, we cannot guarantee that a place will be available.
Your obligation to us
You will need to complete and return our Registration Form to us before your child can start with us.
You must notify us immediately of any changes to the information you have provided to us and keep us informed of any other necessary information that may affect the childcare that we provide for your child.
The Registration Form includes medicine consent and emergency treatment authorisations which you will need to complete prior to your child attending.
You will read and abide by our policies and procedures.
You will make yourself available as and when required to discuss the progress of your child or any factor relating to their childcare place with us at mutually agreed times.
You must immediately inform us if your child is suffering from any contagious disease, or if your child has been diagnosed by a medical practitioner with a notifiable disease. For the benefit of other children attending you must not allow your child to attend whilst they are contagious and pose a risk to other children during normal daily activities.
You must keep us informed of the identity of the persons who will be collecting your child. If the person who is due to collect your child is not usually responsible for collecting them we will require your childs password from them. If we are not reasonably satisfied that the person collecting your child is who we were expecting we will not release your child into their care until we have checked with you.
You must inform us immediately if you are not able to collect your child by the official collection time. You must make arrangements for another authorised person to collect your child as soon as possible. A late payment charge will be applied to cover the cost of our staff time for any late collection over 15 Minutes.
You will inform us as far in advance as possible of any dates on which your child will not be attending. Holiday/absence forms can be found in our cloakroom.
You will provide us with at least one month’s notice of your intention to decrease the number of hours your child attends or to withdraw your child and end this Agreement. If you are ending this Agreement, notice must be given by completing our Notification of Leaving Date form which is available on request.
You must inform us if your child is the subject of a court order and provide us with a copy of such order on request.
Payment of fees
If you have been unable to collect your child within 15 minutes after the official collection time you may be charged, we will provide you with the applicable charges under a separate invoice for payment. This Invoice will need to be paid within 7 days from receipt. Payment by cash, cheque or bacs will be accepted.
Suspension of a child
We do not support the exclusion of any child on the grounds of behaviour. However, if your child’s behaviour is deemed by us to endanger the safety and well-being of your child and/or other children and adults, it may be necessary to suspend the provision of childcare whilst we try to address these issues with you and external agencies as appropriate. During any period of suspension for behaviour-related issues we will work with the local authority and where appropriate other welfare agencies to identify appropriate provision or services for your child.
Termination of the Agreement
You may end this Agreement at any time, giving us at least one month’s notice by completing the ‘Notification of Leaving Date’ form. We may immediately end this Agreement if:
You have breached any of your obligations under this Agreement and you have not or cannot put right that breach within a reasonable period of time after we have drawn it to your attention.
You behave unacceptably, as we do not tolerate any physical or verbal abuse or threats towards any members of staff.
We take the decision to close. We will give you as much notice as possible in the event of such a decision.
It may become apparent that the support we are able to offer your child is not sufficient to meet his/her needs. In these circumstances we will work with you, the local authority and other welfare agencies as per our procedures to identify appropriate support, at which point we may end this Agreement.
You may end this Agreement if we have breached any of our obligations under this Agreement and we have not or cannot put right that breach within a reasonable period after you have drawn it to our attention.
If we have to close or we take the decision to close due to events or circumstances beyond our control e.g. extreme weather conditions we shall be under no obligation to provide alternative childcare to you.
If you have any concerns regarding the services we provide, please discuss them with your child’s key worker. If these concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, please speak to the preschool supervisor. Customer satisfaction is paramount and any concerns/complaints will be dealt with in line with our Making a Complaint Policy.
From time to time we will take photographs and video recordings of the children who attend. These photographs are used for on-going recording of our curriculum and for children’s individual development records. They are stored on our password protected computer whilst your child is with us. The photographs are used for display and for your child’s records within the setting. If we wished to use any image of your child for training, publicity or marketing purposes, we would always seek your written consent for each image we intend to use, as indicated on our Registration Form.
We reserve the right to refuse to admit your child if they have a temperature, sickness and diarrhoea or a contagious infection or disease on arrival at our setting, or to ask you to collect your child if they become unwell whilst in our care, in line with our Managing Children who are Sick, Infectious or with Allergies Policy.
If your child has an irregular attendance we will speak to you to find out why they are not turning up for a certain sessions. Children must attend all of their allocated sessions which are funded, unless you have informed us that your child will be absent for that session. If your child’s attendance continues to be poor or they do not turn up for their sessions and you have not made contact with the setting for a period of time then a letter will be sent to you which may result in your child being withdrawn from those sessions. Child protection procedures will be put in place re ‘Child missing education’.
Any personal information you supply to us will be collected, stored and used in accordance with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (2018) and our Confidentiality and Client Access to Records Policy. We will always seek your consent where we need to share information about your child with any other professional or agency. We are required by law to override your refusal to give consent only in specific circumstances where the child or someone in the family may be in danger if we do not share that information.
This Agreement
We reserve the right to vary the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.
This Agreement contains the full and complete understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior arrangements and understanding whether written or oral relating to the subject of this Agreement except to the extent that we vary terms from time to time. Acceptance of a place will be deemed as acceptance by you of these terms and conditions.
Acceptance of our offer of a childcare place
Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understood the above terms and conditions and to confirm your acceptable of a childcare place with us for your child.
For parent(s)Carer(s) under the age of 18, a guarantor aged over 18, must also sign the contract on your behalf. The contract would therefore be between Sparklers Preschool, you and the guarantor.
A copy of this completed and signed contract will be provided to each signatory.
Parent Name
Name of Guarantor (if parent under the age of 18)
Relationship to the Child:
Telephone Number:
Signed on behalf of Sparklers Pre-School
This Policy was adopted by Sparklers Pre-School
Lynn Mcmahon
Role of Signatory:
Pre-School Supervisor
Issue Date:
Under Review
Next Review Date:
Under Review
This Policy was approved by Sparklers Pre-School Committee
Role of Signatory: